Chocolate That’s *Actually* Good For You

Chocolate That's *Actually* Good For You

Yes ladies, that’s right – chocolate you can sneak in the afternoon with your cup of coffee and not feel guilty! Can I get an “AMEN!!”? What’s so great with Righteously Raw is that you won’t just “not feel guilty”, you can feel totally happy that you just ate it because it has nutritional value that will give your body a boost! It’s raw chocolate so it hasn’t lost any antioxidant value from being heated. It’s sweetened with dates and raw agave nectar instead of refined, high-glycemic sweeteners. My faves so far are the Maca Bar (rich, dark, boom-I’m-in-your-face chocolate) and the Goji berry (dark, cocoa-y, with the sweet tangy-ness of the berry). I just noticed they have Caramel too, that one will be my next purchase!

I’m sure you’re thinking, “This is amazing!” I know, right?! I’m sure you’re also thinking, “I bet it’s expensive… (insert sad face here)” You’re sort-of correct. It’s only expensive if you compare it to, say, a Hershey bar – which, let’s be honest, really shouldn’t be classified as chocolate anyway. But compared to Godiva – one of the most expensive chocolate brands I know of – it’s a bargain! Consider this: Godiva heats their chocolate which causes it to lose most of its antioxidant value, they use artificial vanilla flavor (what?!), corn syrup to sweeten, and partially hydrogenated oil (the oil devil himself!). And their truffles are almost $2.00 EACH! Compare that to my delicious, amazing, satisfying, nourishing Righteously Raw chocolate bar at $6.99. Especially awesome is that these bars are perforated into 3 easy to break sections so it’s relatively easy to stick with one serving (which, of course, I always do…). I know you’re chomping at the bit to find out where you can buy this little piece of chocolate heaven, so here you are: Whole Foods and Amazon.

Finally, I will prove to you just how simple and non-junk foody this chocolate is. Here are the ingredients from my very own bar I have sitting in front of me:
Organic Cacao Butter, Organic Cacao Powder, Organic Dates, Organic Golden Hunza Raisins, Organic Maca Root, Organic Mesquite Pod Meal, Organic Agave Nectar, Organic Vanilla Bean, Himalayan Pink Salt.
That’s it. No chemicals, no preservatives, nothing artificial. Just pure, delicious, cocoa-y chocolate. Enjoy!

Raw Chocolate-y Smiles,

P.s. I don’t receive any compensation for endorsing Righteously Raw. I just love it, flat out. 🙂
P.p.s. Click on the pic above to see the Nutrition Facts of each bar.